Sunday, 2 February 2020

January in Treherbert woods.

            Last year saw the beginning of some exciting changes in the woods in Treherbert when Welcome To Our Woods took over the management of the area. Since then there has been lots of work going on to clear and copice the area, clear some old paths and make the whole area more accessible. I'm excited to see how things grow and change over the coming year so I've decided to make a monthly blog showing how things progress.

I love this fabulous yew tree.
It's still pretty muddy at the moment after a very wet winter but the different types of fungus there are just amazing.
Jelly Ear Fungus

Jelly Ear Fungus

 This path was incredibly muddy last winter and almost impossible to walk on even in summer after heavy rain, but since the path has been opened up, the undergrowth cleared back and the dead trees taken down it's made the whole area much more accessible.

                                    There are still a few berries left on the hawthorn bushes

Scarlet Elf Cap

Cobalt Crust

Amber Jelly

              There may not be many leaves left on the trees but I love them when they're bare.

This stream winding down through an area of ancient woodland is often no more than a trickle, but after the last few months of rain  it's looking quite healthy.

The bird song the last week or two has been lovely, there have been huge groups of finches flying around and there's been a woodpecker making his presence heard for the last week or two, but the only one that will stop and pose for a photo is the robin 😃

 The stream flows down to join this small river . There's a lovely little circular walk around this area when the weather is drier but at this time of year there's no way to cross the river. I'm hoping before too long there'll be a small bridge or some stepping stones in place.

I'm hoping for some drier weather in February, and looking forward to seeing what wild flowers will be growing now that the area is more open and letting in more light.