Wednesday, 1 April 2020

March in Treherbert woods

Well they say March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb but that hasn't really been the case  this year. After all the rain in February at last there's been some sunshine. The mornings are starting off really cold and frosty which is a a welcome change.

The woods are still looking very bare, although the grass has begun growing around the yew tree  again so it's starting to look a bit greener now. 

And everything looks better when the skies are so blue.

The bird song is glorious first thing in the morning, and there have been plenty of chaffinches, greenfinches and even some bullfinches flying around.

There are more leaves appearing on the trees and it's finally beginning to feel as if spring is on the way

But after all the high winds we've had recently there are quite a few trees down in the woods, and some of the paths have been closed for maintenance 

But it's still possible to get up high enough for the beautiful views down in to Treherbert below 

                                     Most of the jelly fungus have gone now, but there are still
                                                        lots of other types around.

The paths haven't dried up completely, and there have been enough showers to leave plenty of muddy puddles, but somehow they don't look quite as bad when the sun is out. 

Especially when they reflect the beautiful blue of the sky.

                                      There are still plenty of autumn colours around

                             But definitely more signs of spring as the trees are starting to bud.

   And even a few splashes of colour as the Coltsfoot and Dandelions begin to make an appearance

.    Towards the end of the month there was another heavy frost, a reminder that winter
                                                                hasn't truly left yet

 But despite the cold and frosty mornings the sun doesn't take long to warm up the woods, making  walking a real pleasure again.

                                        And the sun shining through the trees is just beautiful

This cheeky blackbird didn't seem to mind getting cold feet on the frosty ground, but I don't think                                             he'd have had much luck, the ground was rock hard.                     


                            The mix of sunshine, frost and blue skies made the views beautiful.

The trees were really bursting into life by the end of the month

                  It was well worth going out at 6.30 in the morning to get this beautiful light

And the bird song at that time of day was incredible. Plenty of blue tits around as well as the usual       finches. I saw a pair of Greater Spotted Woodpeckers flying past, and heard a Green woodpecker,                                                           although he didn't show himself.                                                       

This little Dunnock was beautiful

                                    And the robin was just as lovely, and very inquisitive

                                But the noisiest by far was the Collared Dove that was flying around.

                        The female blackbird was lovely to watch, she was coming in and out for ages.

There won't be as many opportunities to visit the woods over the next few weeks as the country is in lockdown now because of Covid 19. It's a frightening time for everyone. But I'm sure I'll manage a few walks  early in the morning before everyone is out and about. 
Stay safe.

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